Sunday 13 March 2011

The Untitled

Since everyone has now decided to randomly make sense in this blog, I shall also make sense. Some. As much as I possibly can. Actually this one will make a lot of sense. Anyway moving on...

If you grew up in the 90’s, you will remember how cool Cartoon Network used to be. You would also be ready to cuss about how totally un-cool it is now. Boring is more the word, ain’t it? As a kid, I watched way too many cartoons (come to think of it, I watched only cartoons on TV) and if my life depended on picking just one favorite show you can be sure I would be dead. I was never the picky and choosy type when it came to cartoons, as a kid anyway. I saw them all and I loved them all! This is a blog in memory of them. I may not cover all of them, I am known to have the memory of a gold fish (3 seconds, if you didn’t know already) most of the times, but I’ll try my best to cover most of them. So here goes!

Scooby Doo: it’s hard to not like these 4 hippies and dog (not including his nephew) mystery solving Mystery Gang traveling around in the Mystery Machine. Thanks to them saying “Jinkies” or “Zooiks!” is not so weird! These meddling kids and the meddling dog stole my heart. Anything for Scooby Snacks xD

Dexter’s Laboratory: I like this one especially because I am the younger sibling and I like to think of myself as Dexter and my brother as Dee- Dee :P. One of my favorite quotes from this show is “You’re stupid! You’re stupid! You’re stupid! And don’t forget, you’re stupid!”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used this one on my brother. Mandark is one of the most evilest villains around, even though he falls for Dee-Dee. I’d die for that haircut, man. I mean that, is brilliance! Finally, Dee-Dee, get out of my laboratory!!

Power-Puff Girls: Call me girly, I loved this show! I know the whole title song by-heart even now! Sugar, spice and everything nice- these were the ingredients chosen to make the perfect little girls. But Professor Utonium accidentally added an additional ingredient- Chemical X! *Blast* Okay, I’ll stop :D

Top-Cat: I would one day like to transform into a cat and join TC’s gang. Enough said.

Johnny Bravo: Not many people like this show but me, I love it. It’s very funny. When I later learned that Johnny Bravo was based on Elvis Presley’s appearances I was blown out of my mind. I mean if he ever hit on me, I’d gladly go out with him, as sad as that sounds.

Courage the Cowardly Dog: It still airs, late at night, 12 30 or something. Yeah losers at CN, kids will stay up that late! Really? You guys are depriving them of great shows :\

Adam’s Family: I never was scared of ghosts as a kid. If anyone deserves credits for that, it has got to be this show :D I hoped and prayed, at some point, that my hand becomes Thing’s love interest xD

Looney Tunes: Tell me you thought Foghorn and Leghorn (“I’m a dog, a D-O-G dog. What you want is a chicken, an R-A-T chicken!”) or Sylvester and Tweety (“I thoughd I taw a pussy tat. I did! I did taw a pussy tat!”) or Yosemite Sam or Speedy Gonzales or Roadrunner and Coyote or Marvin the Martian or, the best of ‘em all, Bugs and Daffy (“Duck season” “Rabbit season” “Rabbit season” “Duck season and that’s final!” “Sure Daffy, whatever you want” *gets shot* “You’re despicable!”) or even Elmer and Bugs were unfunny! You wouldn’t dare unless you want to risk being murdered by a huge Looney Tunes fan- yours truly. But I did almost die when I found out that Tweety was, in fact, a guy :(

Tom and Jerry: Do I even need to write something about them? I mean, they’re overly talked about anyways.

These are all the cartoons I can remember now, sadly. There are certainly more- Swat Cats, Centurion, Captain Planet, Pokemon, etc. I’m just mentioning these so that this doesn’t become too big a post. Cartoon Network was the coolest TV channel before Ben-10 and the Indian (read Hindu) mythology based cartoons overloaded most of the day. Here’s to the good ol’ Cartoon Network! Peace!
Voodoo Child

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