Friday, 11 March 2011


A blog is something that is read by everyone [hopefully.] and hence is a form of a commodity [Randomity™]. So, I decided that this blog deserves a disclaimer.
Rather it requires one [you know to make it seem formal and all]
 [P.S we can be quite insensitive. Don’t mind.] So with no further adieu, the disclaimer. [Doesn’t it feel nice that for once you are reading (yes you are, congratulations) a disclaimer, that you usually don’t care about, that is not in size 2 at the bottom of an advertisement that you otherwise also do not care about?  :) ]

Disclaimer: * 21st century Fox Music playing *

At every point of time in the blog the level of personal information regarding writers and the people around them will be kept to a miniscule amount. Any form of revealing of personal information is sorely regretted (and to be quite frank embarrassing.) Any references to defunct Marketing groups, jailed corporate officials, dead celebrities, rich politicians [wait is the rich really necessary?], singers in rehab, dictators lead democracies [ironical I know.], and plain and simply stupid people is very much intentional. Jiminy Billy Bob, Pachacamac Googenheim, The Voodoo Child and 3rd law can claim no responsibility for hurt feelings. If there are any hurt feelings and any form of opposition to our writing, we are very sorry, but it’s a free world. Get a life. If at any point of time the randomness of our blog is too overwhelming, we can only hope for you to leave a comment saying so. It would make us so proud :’). Content of this blog is subjected to levels of boredom, free time, and availability of limbs. Please read previous posts and bear with lapses of time between them. Thank you. [The end is read like the fast mutual funds advertisements dude.]

Signing off,
3rd Law

P.S:  Not all of my blog posts end with a P.S .

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