Thursday, 10 March 2011

An Introduction to The Introduction

This blog is just what it is named- Randomity, even though that's not a word of the English language. The best way to put it would be this: Two friends deciding on one rather boring day to just blog. The conversation was exactly this:

"Hey we should start a blog together and post interesting conversations"

"Yeah that'd be cool :)"

"Okay I'll create a blog"

You'd think this would be one of those things that we always wanted to do but never ended up doing. But BAM!

"I created the blog. What should we call it?"

After a few texts both ways discussing the title it was finally decided it would be Randomity. And the other things just followed almost naturally.

So finally, on behalf of the both of us, even though it's just me typing this one out, have fun reading The Randomity! Pun not intended, indeed! :D


The Voodoo Child

P.S.: Yes my writing name, as 3rd Law prefers to call it, is a Jimi Hendrix song. Peace!

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