Random [ran-duh

proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern.
- The Dictionary.
Randomness governs everything we do in the universe. Though the universe runs on some level or order and randomness is a complete anti-thesis to this fact, if not for random ness there’d be a clear lack of creativity and uniqueness in the world. Just looking up at the sky we can see that even the stars scattered in the sky rarely seem to ordain any pattern what so ever. Any one who has looked up at the sky at night can affirm its infinite beauty and will definitely concur that looking at the different patterns in the sky everyday is definitely better than looking at the same old thing every day! Randomness hence in some way is a representation of beauty!
How many times in life have we come across the situation where there is no longer room for reasoning something out? Where it is best to just take an arbitrary decision and then look if it works or not? Many of us attribute it to thought and risk. I attribute it to randomity. When a word is suffixed with the term ity it generally refers to an attribute, a part of something like “Absurdity”, “Absorptivity”, “Adversity”, “Connectivity”, “Creativity” etc. Just like so, randomity is an attribute that one must always possess.
Randomity is that kind of a virtue in a human being that lets him take decisions, and in a way frees him of the chains of thought. And randomness doesn’t always mean randomness of the actions but rather free thinking and expressing them in different “random” way! A way as the dictionary describes it, without definite pattern!
Being random is a joy in its own and in today’s world, being random brings with it that feeling of uniqueness, that makes us stand out in an otherwise monotonous society.
According to Chemical Scriptures, The randomness of the universe is continually increasing. But, is that really reflecting upon the creativity and uniqueness of the world at large? Or is this increase in randomness, leading to and increase in disorder?
Food for thought isn’t it?
This is what this blog is all about. Talking about random topics that govern everyday life. Topics that are very much significant! Topics that are random not in their content but in how they are linked to each other.
Signing off,
3rd Law.
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