Thursday, 10 March 2011

Here's a taste of my randomity.

They're tiny little things, playfully staring at you and sometimes making you wanna cuddle them. The colors, and the subtle smell off them are indeed intriguing. I am speaking of course, about the rubbery confectionary - The Gummy Bear, which have made their place in the hearts of a million kids.

So why am I talking about Gummy Bears of all things?

1. So that you readers get used to the purpose of the blog (read nothing).
2. My second name, as you see, is "Googenheim". That for whatever reason reminded me of Gummy Bears! :D

Gummy bears are yummy and gummy. A whiff of the moderate smell of the gelatinous piece of art takes me down a road of nostalgia. These confectioneries dutifully served the four-year-old me as the yummy, easy-to-chew junkie. Biting off the ears or lacerating the legs can give more than joy than any candy ever can! It's bulgy paunch adds to the adorable, impish air about the Gummy Bear. The sight of the candy instigates an uncontrollable feeling of love, of happiness, of a feeling that can only be caused by these bears. **gives dreamy look**

All in all, it's gummy, yummy but sadly, not bummy, given it's flat backside :P

I'd like to quote on of the MOST popular songs of the decade right here.

Oh I’m a gummy bear.
Yes I’m a gummy bear.
Oh I’m a yummy tummy funny lucky gummy bear.
I’m a jelly bear.
Cause I´m a gummy bear.
Oh I’m a movin’ groovin’ jammin’ singing gummy bear.
Oh yeaoooh.

Ba Ba Bidubidubi Yum Yum
Ba Ba Bidubidubi Yum Yum
Ba Ba Bidubidubi Yum Yum
Three Times You Can Bite Me
Ba Ba Bidubidubi Yum Yum
Ba Ba Bidubidubi Yum Yum
Ba Ba Bidubidubi Yum Yum
Three Times You Can Bite Me

Oh Oh Oh Oh badudi party didi
bab bi du bi dam gummy bear
Oh Oh Oh Oh bi du bi dam dam
ba du bi da bi didi gummy bear party pop!


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