Friday, 11 March 2011

A Message From Outer-Space

Greetings Earthlings!
I do not practice voodoo magic, as opposed to what you may believe. I am, in fact, an alien from outer-space. I never got the hang of that one, "alien from outer-space". I was, for so long, under the impression that all aliens were from outer-space. If there are, in fact, aliens from within your planet, which even though is scientifically not possible let us assume for the moment that it is, why say "aliens from outer-space" then? Wouldn't a simple "I am from outer-space" suffice? Blame it on Hollywood, as you Earthlings call it.

I do not have Super-man like special powers either. In fact, Super-man used to be majorly into destroying things. I hear he's into saving people here. What did you guys do to him, man? Super-man, dude, if you're reading this, you used to be cool :( Again, I hear it's the same Hollywood that's to blame for turning Super-man into this life-saving, less interesting dude.

I am not like that chick from Species either. I do not feed on human beings. I was once caught by this man-eating tribe down at Burkina Faso and to come out alive I had to pose as one of them for two whole weeks. That basically meant I was forced to eat some human flesh. Blurgh! Don't give yourselves so much credit, you guys tasted awful! :\ Hollywood just can't help itself but create stereotypes for us immigrants from outer-space, can it?

I could go on and on about the several other stereotypes Hollywood has created for us. And believe me every single one of them are far from the truth! And being an immigrant myself, it really sucks to be stereotyped so awfully wrongly :\

In conclusion, on behalf of all immigrants from outer-space, I'd like to say this: "Screw you, Hollywood!" Peace to everybody else!
Voodoo Child

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