Friday, 11 March 2011

Playing the Contrast

Haven’t you ever noticed that in everyday existence, nothing would be what we perceive it to be, without something to contrast it to?

If there wasn’t ugliness in the world, who’d know what beauty is?

If there wasn’t noise would we be able to appreciate music?

If there wasn’t sadness, how would we know if we’re happy or not?

Light and Darkness
Wisdom and Idiocy
Success and Failure
Colours and White
Truth and Lies
Politicians and Leaders
Microsoft and Apple
Indian Schooling system and A War front
The Zimbabwean Dollar and the American Dollar. [P.S A bottle of mineral water in Zimbabwe costs a million Zimbabwean dollars.]

Without contrast, well life wouldn’t be life would it? Life and death themselves can’t be distinguished! Humans can't do without contrast. They’ll be like fish out of water. Or Romeo without Juliet. Or Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber [read confused.]

I think this applies to our lives also in general. Come to think of it contrast is just another way of saying “I’m different, bear with it. It’s the differences in the world that make it what it is!” There is nothing to be ashamed of if you’re different [God, I sound like glee. Anyway] If you’re different from them doesn’t it make them different from you? :)
You’re playing a major role on earth. Be proud.

Lots to think about ain’t it?

So the next time you have to act differently don’t be afraid to do so.

Play the Contrast! :)

Signing off,
3rd Law.

P.S: Without randomness, what is order? ;)

Disclaimer: All characters and companies featured in this Article are fictious.
                    Okay not really. Just don’t take offence. 

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